Tips From Dr. J & Mercedes

Growing Old Gracefully
Friday April 19, 2024 by Christopher Jordan

We are all guilty of ageism. No one likes it. No one wants it. Everyone complains about it, at least those of advancing years. How then, can we grow old and still keep our dignity? By embracing it.

Time marches on, and it drags everything and everyone with it. Our perception of time is based on our description of where we are in it. Past, present, future. Old, new. Now, then. The last pair gives us the best orientation of age, as it reflects the better way to live: Now. Living in the “Now,” connotes being “Present.” When we are “Present,” we are more reflective of how we feel, where we are and who we are. We are self referral. When a person is self referral, they are more capable of responding appropriately to changes. This is critical for an older person, as it provides true preventative action. The sooner we identify a need to correct, the less invasive or difficult a correction needs to be, the less any change can become detrimental or permanent.

Being self referral allows us to see the truth about our bodies and minds. Each are sustained through appropriate and consistent use, exercise for our bodies and thinking for our minds. As we monitor ourselves, we have a better idea of what is working and what is not. We allow for restful recovery, and still avoid prolonged inactivity.

Monitoring how we feel, allows us to evaluate our response to dietary choices. Paying attention to our gut, includes our elimination. Goodness knows, the elderly are not shy about conversations regarding the regularity their guts, or the lack there of. Our energy level relative to what we are consuming, is a good indicator of the benefits of a proper diet for us.

Even with our best efforts, with aging comes decline. This is the part that we all feel and tend to dislike. No one wants to experience the loss of abilities we once had. No one wants to look less vibrant than we once did. Even though in our youth, we may have had the greatest respect for our elder loved ones, we may have had a fondness for their adorable aged look; somehow we cannot see that in ourselves, in the same way as we become them. How then, can we age gracefully? By embracing ourselves.

We must see the reality of who we have become, by seeing who we are. We must not focus on those inevitable changes that come with age, but the volume of life that comes with living a full one. We must not regret our mistakes, that which we have not achieved; but celebrate our triumphs, those things we have achieved. Always focus on that which brings you pride and joy. Look forward to each day with gratitude for the opportunities that may bring us to be our better selves, and to see others being their better selves Focus on that.

Even as we struggle through our deficiencies, through our distress, to glimpse what beauty in each day we can, is a delight. And, the cold hard truth of knowing it will all end for each and everyone of us, shouldn’t dim the majesty of each moment, for we are squarely in each moment, we are in this moment, we are living Now. Breath in, feel the comfort of a simple breath. That is Life. For some, even this is an effort, but they make the effort to “be” another moment. We live gracefully, because we are alive by Grace. Embrace that.

Jordan Health Clinic & Day Spa
334 E. Church St. DeLand, FL 32724
(386) 736-0465

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