Tips From Dr. J & Mercedes

Walk It Off
Sunday April 5, 2020 by Christopher Jordan

During my first contact with a new patient I will inquire about their exercise regime. Often in my career I have received the reply “Well I just walk.” My response has always been, “That’s great.” The healthiest patients that I encounter are those who walk regularly. Walking is the least complicated of our choices for physical activity; no equipment, no membership fees, no boundaries, you can walk anywhere inside or out. The benefits of walking are numerous: Improved vascular, pulmonary and lymphatic system functions, and the associated impact on all other tissues and their functions. One of these includes balance within the central nervous system, aiding in clarity of thought and promoting relaxation, thus minimizing our body’s response to stress. A light stroll promotes healthy digestion, a more vigorous walk will increase your cardiac output and deepen your pulmonary air flow. Increased cardiac output will, of course, bring better blood flow everywhere. Better blood flow means healthier tissues. Part of the benefits of increased ventilation of our lungs means more oxygen and better discharge of the normal mucous in our respiratory pathways. This helps to eliminate what is captured there when we inhale the air around us, discharging unwanted particulates. Currently, it would be best to walk in areas that have the best ventilation, open spaces preferably, and with plenty of room to minimize proximity to other people. If you are feeling the stress of what we are all experiencing right now, “Walk it off.”

Jordan Health Clinic & Day Spa
334 E. Church St. DeLand, FL 32724
(386) 736-0465

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